Research​ ​Blog​ ​#8:​ ​Case

The socialistic education system fosters the growth of students more than the neoliberalist higher education can because they promote creativity and individual thought that benefits society as a whole. 
This speaks to the debate in my proposal as I was trying to figure out what system worked best. 
What​ ​research​ ​have​ ​you​ ​got​ ​on  the​ ​case?​ ​​ ​
Things we know about socialistic countries, especially Norway, is that they have high standard of living, an education system, free health care, and low crime rates. While capitalism is about the interest of one's self, socialism is about the people. The system encourages cooperation and in my last research blog, in the journal about meritocracy in United States and Norway, results showed that Norwegians were more egalitarian while the United States was more libertarian. . 


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