Literature Review Blog #5

Image result for starving the beast1. Visual
2. Citation
Mims, Steve, director.  Starving the Beast.  Violet Crown Films, 2016.
3. Summary
Starving the Beast by Steve Mims reveals the debate between those who would like to privatize college and those who would like to keep universities as a public good. Taking place in Austin, Texas, Mims shows what boards in public universities will do as government funding goes down and the expectation for higher quality of education goes up. 
4. Author
Steve Mims is a filmmaker and writer based in Austin, Texas. 
5. 2 key terms
Public Universities: A university mostly funded by the public and the national government.

A central theme in the film is how the students are now seen as consumers. This change is brought by increased privatization of universities. Privatization is the act of giving partial operating control in public schools to private owned companies or businesses. 
6. Three Quotes
"They say education is a's anything"(Mims 1:03)

"As state governments have disinvested from institutions of higher education, public universities have had to scramble for private money. This had a corrupting influence. An institution would approach a rich donor, the rich donor would put terms or expectations of this donation and the university was in no position to resist. "

"red and black list"
7. Value. 
This film gives value to my research as it is in based in a state in the United States and shows that the public higher education system is running on a privatized, neoliberalist agenda. I can now say that the united states runs on a neoliberalist system that focuses more on the needs of the market rather than the needs of the general public. 


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